Author Topic: Tappet Clearances  (Read 1463 times)

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Offline M 750K6

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Re: Tappet Clearances
« Reply #25 on: August 29, 2024, 03:06:17 PM »
Yes, 👍  appreciate the advice.

Offline Tracksnblades1

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Re: Tappet Clearances
« Reply #26 on: August 29, 2024, 03:50:19 PM »
I will probably upset the purists here but when i was a full time tech on Hondas it was quite common to not use gauges and do the clearance simply by "feel"
When you are sevicing several bikes a day you get to know that you can just about feel the gap on 2 thou and if it makes a slight "tick" its more like 4 thou.
The other thing is the adjuster bolt turns 1 turn for 1mm so 1/8 turn for 5 thou, you can get adjusting tools where there is a knurled knob with calibrations on a shaft to turn adjuster that goes through a hollow socket with handle for the belocknut.

Now I DO NOT RECOMMEND ANYBODY TRYING MY METHOD without having a lot of workshop experience OR on a tuned, high reving, motor

Bryan, just so you know for the purists over here, there are a few or more manufacturers on this side of the pond has 1 flat adjustments in their service manuals. So some of us purists know what you’re saying. Especially when less than parallel worn surfaces must be accurately adjusted instead of taken out of service.. I’ve never read anything like that in any of the different Honda manuals though…
Age Quod Agis

Offline M 750K6

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Re: Tappet Clearances
« Reply #27 on: August 29, 2024, 09:12:15 PM »
Yes, I'll be doing both from now on, not having Bryan's experience, measure + adjust with feeler guages, then do the check Bryan does.

My tappets are probably original, on a bike with 44,000 miles. So, there will be wear. Runs lovely right now though. I had to swap in a better head and rocker cover about 1500 miles ago, as my oil leak proved to be badly damaged gasket faces. Used that replacement head's valves, springs, keepers, but the original cam and rocker gear, which had some wear visually, but not scored (finger nail check) and the lobes were within the shop manual measurements.

So, I may have experienced some bedding in with the tappets?

Still learning the Honda's foibles, so the advice is really helpful. As I say, since the second adjustment, over 1,000 miles ago, no loud tapping noise or running problems. A bit of carb tweaking (mixture screw and balance), now a nice smooth torquey ride. Lumpy idle below 1400rpm, maybe a tired advancer spring, but I'm fine with a 1400rpm idle. It otherwise feels like a happy motor through the rev and throttle range. Enjoy riding it and always look back at it before closing the garage door!
« Last Edit: August 29, 2024, 09:16:12 PM by M 750K6 »