Brian you could try and repair the existing badge. I have mirror polished my rotor cover, to fit an unpolished rotor cover badge would I thought look out of place. Rather stupidly I sold my old rotor badge as it has a very small mark on it and bought a brand new one instead. Only after I sold it did I think of the clash of colours etc so I found a damaged rotor badge and thought I'd see how good I could make that, as an experiment if nothing else.
I started with this
As you can see it's pretty damaged, large dent near the made in japan section and some road rash as well. It's usable if your not concerned with how it looks.
After trying a little panel beating, I bought a leather bag filled with lead beads to do that on and cleaning up the road rash it looked like this.
Now all I had to do was polish it and fill in the missing black paint, I decided to go a little further than Honda originally did TBH but that's just a personal preference of mine. I smudged the paint at the bottom a little and hadn't fixed it by the time I'd taken the pic, just needs a little filling in with more paint. Now it looks like this.
I probably won't fit it to my bike, it was just to see if I could do it and also to see the best way to do the new one if I decide to go that way.
As for removal, if you try and remove the cover on the bike you almost certainly bend the cover, as CC says, not a problem IF your replacing it anyway but the best way is to remove the rotor cover and you'll see the ends of the 3 pegs which hold it in place inside the cover, just tap them out a little at a time, do one peg a little, then another and then the last and so on. Hitting one peg all the way out can break the peg and distort the cover. Doing it this way also makes it easy to remove the clips if they stay inside the holes, which they often do.