Get them measured by your engineer. That will tell you how far you need to go. The place I took mine did this and chatted with me about my intended use of the bike and we settled on a fresh hone and rings, rather than rebore, which should give me another 10-15,000+ miles. That coincides with the point I estimate the bottom end, particularly primary chain will be refreshed. I was on a budget and the immediate action required was around the leaking head and renovating the frame, steering, suspension and braking.... Costs add up!
Of course, running beautifully, I now love the bike and am riding it more than twice as much as I'd estimated! But still happy with my decision. Don't mind an engine out in another 3 years time, I'm guessing.
But my point was, your engineering firm should be happy to advise whether 0.5mm is good, or your wear dictates missing out that step. Be a shame to buy the pistons and rings, then find you'll still have wear at that point.