I like their sockets when I have to hammer some rusted bolt half to roundness to get it out. Then I can throw both away afterwards.

I like their little 'detail' brushes: they are cheap enough to be used once without much pain on certain nasty projects.
I like their meter-long screwdrivers. I keep one by the front door for salesmen who can't read the sign, or don't know what "NO SOLICITING" means. Obi-Wan would approve?
I don't like their sparkplug 'cleaners' - they don't seem to.
I like their can crusher - it saves my forehead.
Their plastic 'ammo boxes' make good toolboxes for the cars. They aren't actually waterproof, though.
I also have one of their drill presses. Sadly, it lacks a long enough chain to reach the bottom of the lake when I am boating in deep water, though.