My brother in law told me a story once...
When he was back in Murray, KY he (69 Triumph chopper) and his friend (71 BSA Thunderbolt) were riding at 3AM bar hopping, going about 100 mph down main street and taking up both lanes (4 lane divided hwy), when this guy in a jaguar blows BETWEEN them at about 140mph. The jag's mirror clipped his friend's bar-end and by the grace of god he was able to regain control of the bike. They caught up to the guy at a stoplight and kicked the #$%* out of his doors on either side and peeled off in different directions like bats out of hell. I think they were also slightly intoxicated

I had a guy just start randomly moving into my side of the road on a 2 lane backroad a few weekends ago... I locked the rear wheel and left a similar skid until the guy realized what his girlfriend was beating the back of his head about as he reached down under the steering wheel. He looked up, saw me and flipped back onto his side with about 100ft to spare. The pucker factor was high on that experience

Be careful guys, the cagers don't pay any attention at all out there!