Thanks guys, I used all your tips. I layered up the old tank with much painters tape, took a deep breath and had at it. The old tank was in good condition but already had a couple of dings in it near the good fuel cap. I started out with a phillips screw driver that fit the end of the pin quite nicely, a few taps with that and the pin started to move, then went to a smaller screw driver which pushed it through the side of the cap mount. Next I used an automatic spring punch to get it further along then a longer shaft, narrower spring punch to move it further. A pair of needle nose pliers helped pull the pin out all the way.
Now,on the the perfect Yamiya repop tank. Again layered it in painters tape in prep to pop the pin out on this one. However, the previous owner had just pushed a used pin in and it came out without a fuss.Whew! I had a couple of Mark's long screw and cap nut kits so I used one of them. I didn't want to get near the tanks with a stock pin and flairing tools.
Mark, if you ever make the pin kits with the teeny tiny allen head screw ends, put me down for a couple of them please. They look great.
On a side note, the smaller auto spring punch is great for removing stuck float pins. Just be prepared to catch the pin as it shoots out of the pin holes. I lost one for 6 months in my shop. Good thing I had a spare.
Now the tank looks great with a shiny fuel cap it deserved. And, no dings.