DISCLAIMER: I do NOT work for this company, just a pleased customer. To the review:
I was pleasantly surprised at this product. It is a chrome polish which claims to be able to polish out bluing and heat discoloration, returning pipes to their original chrome glory.
The factory header on my 750 is discolored, I only guess because over the years, the slow jets clogged while it was stored and it was run lean, allowing the exhaust gas temps to become ungodly hot, bluing the pipes, (actually the pipes have gone past blue into purple). For those that may not know, Honda used double-wall pipes, so the outer pipes would stay "relatively" cool and remain chrome, while the inner pipe is what carried the hot exhaust gases. For the outer pipes to discolor, something had to be quite wrong and VERY hot.
Anyway, I was upset at the discolored pipes because the rest of the bike was perfect and it was a "black eye" on an otherwise perfect machine. I was determined to do something about it.
In the back of one of my motorbike magazines, I saw an ad for a product that claimed to be able to turn blued pipes chrome. I thought it was a modern-day Snake Oil because I figured that once the pipes were turned, that was it, they were done. I mean, metal isn't skin and it can't heal once it's burned, right? However, even though I got a deal on a excellent condition factory header on eBay, I still wanted to see if my set could be saved.
Well, for 14 bucks a can, I figured I would try this stuff out. I did some research and it looked good, so I bought a can.
I tried it today and was absolutely amazed. It totally works as advertised. It DOES take a lot of elbow grease. In fact, my arms are tired after one pipe and I'm taking a break, which is why I'm posting this.
Not sure about the long term staying power of my newly chrome pipes, like if they'll re-blue on the first ride, but for now I am happy, and for 14 bucks, I can't argue with the results.
Since pictures speak a thousand words, here are some pics of my pipes:
Blued pipes.
20 minutes of hard scrubbing and polishing later.
Closer look.
I am VERY satisfied with the result and heartily recommend this product if you wanna try and bring back some blued pipes and not spend too much money, though you WILL spend some sweat and elbow grease!