Hi,I reside alone in Ca. now,came here from back East in 17'.
I receive a SS check(I'm over 65)once a month w/ no other income,except a bit of side work,mobile motorcycle repair,etc. once in a blue moon now and then,when I'm able to find it.
I live in a government subsidized apartment on a Section 8 voucher based on my income,which pays most of the rent;the rent here just went up,but my portion is still very affordable.
Based on my low income,I also receive Medicare for healthcare and I receive food assistance.
My Uncle passed about a year ago and his estate went to Probate.
I learned from the lawyer who's handling this for my deceased uncle that a check(of unknown amount)is due to be mailed out West here to me,among a bunch of other recipients.
I don't expect much,but it's better than nothing?
I just don't want to lose my eligibility to affordable housing and healthcare because of an inheritance check.
I ask,if you like,give me important/private info in a PM please. thx,Bill