Howdy y'all,
I've never done my own work on a bike (I just never learned) but when the carbs on my 76 CB400F started leaking I figured it was time to start. I took them out, disassembled them and rebuilt them using a kit (not the one with new floats). Yesterday, I put them back together and reinstalled them on the bike. It runs when I hold the throttle open slightly which I'm very happy about, but whenever the bike is not running and the fuel petcock is open, several of them leak fuel out of the overflow tubes. The floats were all in good condition, and it seemed like the rest of the carbs were as well. I adjusted the float heights correctly (or so I think, I used a float height tool set to the factory spec and made sure the floats were up against when just barely touching the needle). Any ideas? Not really looking forward to taking the carbs back apart...