well, actually me and a couple buddies aquired the 750A. it was left at his place for the night. we picked the bike up because my buddy was wanting to do a project with the auto transmission. however, by the time i got to his place today, he had already removed the engine and cracked open the cases. my buddy is a bit impatient when it comes to disassambling. kinda disappointing cause the entire internals looked immaculate. could have reused them. i'm going to salvage a few parts, like the head, piston/crank bearings (i swear these look new), etc.
the frame is still intact and i did walk away with a spare 76K engine from the guy that sold us the 750A. I'll fiddle with this frame and see how well it works with another K engine.
i do have te gas tank that came with the 750A but it doesn't have the gas gauge or a lock. it's straight and pretty clean. i'll just probably ebay the sucker. i tried fitting it to my 78F frame and seat and it's just an inch too short.