Hi All, The bike is back together and running well, other than a constant drip out of the #2 (and a tiny drip out of the #3) carb. I initially thought the floats were bad, but they were not. Pulled the carbs out yet again and closer inspection shows some small cracks at the bottom of the overflow tube. I looked around a bit on the forum and dug my solder and flux out and attempted a fix. It worked a little bit, but I am having a hard time getting any uniformity of solder application. I'm no expert, but neither am I a novice at soldering. To me, nothing felt like it got hot enough to let the solder flow the way it wanted to. It would ball up and roll out, or ball up and just stick. Even with a torch. So, I can pull the carbs out yet again and give it another go. Any suggestions on doing this well?
I also looked around the inter webs for a float bowl, but they seems hard to find. One thing I found that did peak my interest was a clear blue float bowl sold by 223cycles.net that looks like the correct bowl for my PD46s. It is not advertised for these carbs, but it looks correct to me. It would be nice to see the level of fuel across the bowls in real time, although I could also see it resulting in me pulling the carbs again and again making tiny adjustments to float levels.
For background, I rebuild the carbs on this bike that sat for an easy 20 years. Replaced everything brass (mains, slows, etc). Floats are set at 12.5 with a gauge, I think they are correct as I really took my time on them. Running the stock airbox (which really makes the carbs a pain in the butt to pull). New but stock main jet (90 I think), but did raise the needles up a bit as my understanding was that they were a bit lean at factory setting. My next question will be to get my idle to be a little less finnicky, but maybe that will come with fixing the leak through the overflow. Only unusual think is that my tank was bad and I am using a tank off of a 74. That shouldn't make a difference though.