ZT….. to clarify: I meant weld a tab to the actual foot peg bracket (not the frame). I may try it on a spare right side foot bracket for my cb750K3. It should be fairly straight forward?
To tell the truth John, the pedal bumping up against the bottom of the foot peg bracket never bothered me. Other than a blemish in the chrome in the area of contact, I really never noticed a problem until brainstorming some way to successfully install my #3 & #4 Busso no-stamp exhaust pipes.
As some who've been following my K1 resurrection saga, may be aware, I walked away from the Busso exhaust pipe install more than once in frustration, to ponder different approaches and finally got the #1 & #2 pipes installed with no cutting. Thanks very much again for your advice and encouragement, John!
I'm at the "walk away from it" stage once again to regroup on pipes #3 & #4. I'm close, but not quite there yet! I'll post more detail in my
"Almost There; except for the pipes" thread; but basically, I can now insert the rear OEM bolt nicely through the both muffler sleeves and into and through the frame; but I can't bring the dished out area at the forward end of the #4 muffler down far enough to sufficiently clear the brake pedal.
Bottom line is, at this point, I'm stumped and feel like waiting to hear from Stu and/or DonR to see how they fare on pipes #3 & #4 in the area of the brake pedal.