I might suggest applying the penetrating oil and then some heat like MAPP gas on the whole area of the case around it - not on the lifter. Do it outside, it will probably ignite the oil, need water handy! Then when the case is still warm/hot (with gloves) use something like a 50-cent-piece, ground flat along one side, and some Visegrips on it as your "turner" tool (the coin is thicker than, say, a typical washer, fitting the groove tighter). Wiggle it back & forth as much as possible for several heat-cycle attempts, which will break down the nasty corrosion in between it and the case. They are different metals, so they tried to meld (zinc in the case is pretty active) while the engine sat unused too long.
Someone once told me that to loosen things like this where the corrosion was the cement, solvents got 'better' at penetrating if they were mixed with soap and water, in equal amounts. I've used it for delicate parts like stuck carb parts, but not something this big.