They LOOK like a good idea, but they are too 'deep' in actual use underneath the cylinders. While I thought about trying to cut down their height somewhat, it would take at least a mill to accomplish it (which I don't have). That's when I spent a few hours rethinking it. In the "old days" we had some real nice band-clamps that were sorta like hose clamps with liners in them, and those liners were flexible stainless steel that reminded me of feeler gages, about 0.005" thick or so, They were the inspiration for me to make the hoseclamp version, although the first time I made them from those "lined" hoseclamps (because the old tools had that liner layer in them) but there is no way to make the 'liners' stay inside the clamp when the rings start sliding toward the bore. Then that liner snags the ends of the lower oil ring, much like my previous mistake.