If you have a stand or old engine frame cradle you could test run it through a few full heat cycles.
That said, I’ve never experienced a head gasket that you couldn’t get the head bolts or stud nuts to turn some after a full temp heat cycle. Regardless of what head gasket types. I know your pain here better now than have to later..
Some of the modern commercial engines head torquing regiments can wear an older guy out.
3-4 incremental torques, back them clear off, 3-4 incremental torques again, wait required set time, 1st degree turn,
Wait required set time, 2nd degree turn…..😣 …what the factory will do to offset the cost of a retorquing…😓
P.S. PEWE has posted just leaving the 750 engine overnight and then retorquing the nuts the nest day will yield some additional turn. But, I’m not remembering whether its an < or > a 45* additional turn..🤔