On Thursday night my friend and I swapped in the Cycle-X oil pump and tightened down all the new oil-cooler lines and started the bike for the first time since all of this oil-cooler stuff began. The bike fired right up and the oil pressure read 60lbs and stayed steady. There had been an issue with the pressure dropping and and then going back up while warming up. I was hoping that this new oil pump would solve that issue. We finished the pump install and oil-cooler installation fairly late, so we were content with is just running, seemingly really well, on the center stand. We could see the oil returning strongly through the oil tank hole and the pressure gauge read 60lbs steady.
So today I finally had time to test drive the bike. I checked the dip stick, the oil wasn't on the stick but I know that I put in 3 liters/3 x 1.05 quarts. The idea was to get it totally warmed up then add oil to account for the new capacity from the cooler and lines. I warmed it up on the side stand and the pressure gauge read 60lbs steady. I guess that I warmed it up for 2-5 minutes? No issues. I took off down the street and got a taste of how much fun this bike is as an 836cc.
I went 0.3 miles (GPS TRACKING) and the pressure light came on (red light) I looked down at the pressure gauge, and out was zero. I pulled over and turned off the bike.
I pushed it home 0.3 miles and checked the dip-stick. It had some oil on it.
The end. I am bummed.
http://www.cyclexchange.net/Oil%20System%20Comp%20Page.htmEverything seemingly ready to go:
Pressure during warm up:
Red pressure light on:
Oil on stick after pushing/failed test drive: