Not sure where to start here but I am struggling getting the carbs to fit on this bike. It was modded back in the day with the entire catalogue. Cam of some sort, 836 kit, dyna, smoothbores, Kerker with zero baffles, different coils and fancy shocks. I know how much everyone loves pics - I will get some later I promise.
When I got my hands on it the 2 and 3 carb boots were mounted backwards and when the carbs came off it looked like a funhouse - none of the boots lined up. If I line it up so they are all straight the spacing is way off. The head spigots are 36mm and the carb throats are 34.
I bought some 4into1 boots and they seem to present the same issues. Over the length of the rack the boots seem short by 1/8". That I think I can deal with the real issue is spacing between the carbies. With the boots aligned like they should be 1 and 2 carbs are off by like 1/4".
I will go out now and measure carb center spacing.