All I have to say is I am a real IDIOT!!! I'll explain...
I walked away from the bike for day, just like someone advised in this thread, just to think about the problem and chill out a bit. Thinking about the problem, my logical thinking was that the leak had to be coming from the valve cover as I made sure all the internal o-rings were in place, and the cam pucks gobbed with 3bond. I also used HD studs this time around and really made sure everything was put back together properly and torqued properly. I thought maybe oil was leaking in the front of the cover between #2 and #3, and coming out down by the plugs a bit lower. because the head recesses right there, it didn't look like it was leaking from the cover there, but maybe it is methinks. i knew i had one stripped cover bolt (did'nt think it would cause leak), so I took the cover off, and helicoiled it, then did another questionable thread too.
This is when I realize the cover gasket was put in upside down by some tool (uh, that would be me), and
EUREKA the cover gasket is not "reversible" even though it looks like it is, there is an actual
right way to put the darned thing in because the cam opening by the gear is a bit lopsided on one side of the gear. if you are a tool and put it in WRONG like I did, the gasket around the cam gear in the front of the engine will not line up and seal properly, and you'll soon post some obnoxious post like this one because of your frustration! so feeling like einstein discovering the theory of relativity, I put a new gasket in the RIGHT way this time, and you guessed it, no leaking oil.

so the bike is at the shop having Gordon's frame kit welded in place and she ran damn good over to the shop and no frigging oil slick to be seen!
Thanks everyone for your words of wisdom and advice!