Originally there will be a filter screen inside the fuel tank surrounding the reserve tube. The filter screen typically remains inside the tank when the petcock is removed. Look up inside the bung after removing the petcock and/or shine a flashlight down inside the tank (NOT a lighter!) and look for the filter screen. If the original filter is still in place, which every late model tank I've ever laid hands on has always been the case, they will require some persuasion to remove. This would be a good time to replace the petcock seal. The only problem is the seal is not available separately, but it does come with the new filter screen, except the new filter screen (16952-388-015) is NLA from Honda. An aftermarket petcock will come with a new filer screen and seal so you could get the cheap aftermarket petcock ($20) and harvest the seal. The aftermarket filter screens that I've seen are questionable, so you might consider an inline filter after removing the old in-tank filter screen.