Hello, first time posting but have read many very helpful threads over the years. So awhile back I was riding and the bike began to backfire like mad and died and would not start or even fire. Had to park it for quite awhile cause I was moving out of state for work, last year started digging into it and found that the keeper nut for the advancer came loose and it must have spun out of timing. Followed the manual and reset the timing, changed the oil and the plugs and it would start with some help from some starting fluid but did not want to idle and had to keep the RPMs up or it would die. Fast forward to know it unfortunately had to sit again and I moved out of state again. Decided to start digging into it now that I have my garage set up. Drained the old fuel and built a new fuel line with a new inline fuel filter. Pulled the carbs and cleaned them well. Still did not want to run, realized cylinder #3 didn’t seem to be firing and found a fouled plug so I replaced it and now it seems to be firing. Double checked the timing and still does not want to run or idle and I have a fuel times gotten backfires into the air filters. Has a fresh battery and I’ve checked spark. Seems to do slightly better with the choke on so I’m guessing it’s running too lean but the carbs seem to be doing just fine and can’t find any of the floats sticking etc. I did have to swap out the petcock on the fuel tank as the original was leaking and I’m curious if that could be restricting fuel flow and it’s not getting enough to the carbs? Any thoughts would be appreciated.