Thanks guys, well I did go for ride #5 yesterday, but not on the bike I'd hoped to ride. I took the lead/acid battery that came out of the K0 home last week and charged it back up, and yesterday swapped it into the KZ750, and installed the Motobatt in the K0. I fired it up and checked the output, but nada. I didn't want to waste time fault finding, so looked around at my motley "collection" and looked at the Triumph Rocket III.
Now I don't remember when I rode it last, but it was several months ago. I'd recharged the now 9 year old black Motobatt battery that had finally gone flat last year before my last ride on it, and considering the age of the battery and the R3's 2300cc engine, I wasn't sure if it'd start, but surprisingly it fired right up, woohoo! Better still, it still had a full tank of fuel, so I rode it to the gas station and just pumped the tyres up. It was quite a pleasant day, so I was quite comfortable, even though the Rocket does produce a lot of heat on the right side betwixt the headers and my right leg, which is nice in winter, but not so much in summer. Anyway, I headed up the freeway before getting off it to ride some quieter "B" roads.
After riding the K0 and KZ750 for the last few rides, the Rocket was like a big lounge chair, very comfy. It's also a huge bike, and so it took me a little while to get used to it again. An "Adventure Rider" on a BMW F650 in all of his BMW branded finery pushed past me at a set of lights and ignored me while blipping his throttle, so I took great pleasure in blowing him away at the lights, maybe he thought I was riding a Harley? Regardless, he kept a respectful distance behind me before I forgot about him. Even after almost 16 years of ownership, blowing away ignorant posers doesn't get old.
I rode off into the countryside, and thought the view would be a nice backdrop for my dusty bike.
Rocket III Sunday 26 January 2025 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
I was walking back to it and a local in a 4WD stopped to ask me if I needed any help. I explained that it was fine, I just stopped to take a pic, and he made a face. Hmmnn, I wonder if he thought I said "Piss"? Anyway, I rode on. I rode past a brewery/whiskey place in the middle of nowhere, and promised myself that I'd stop there next time and do some tasting. I stopped at a gas station to buy a cold drink, then rode on to the old Monegeetta general store (closed down, I think) to stop for a smoke and a drink. It was getting warm.
Rocket III Sunday 26 January 2025 2 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr
Anyway, it was a nice 90 mile ride, I'm still surprised that the old Motobatt battery is doing well, and the Rocket is still a lovely thing to ride. With luck, the K0 will be back soon, and now that my Ducati is only a couple of weeks away from being on the road, it'll be added to the "2025 Rides" fleet.

Ducati Saturday 25 January 2025 by
Terry Prendergast, on Flickr