I think Terry is ok and laying low for a bit.
I sure hope so!
+1 Me too!
Ride #6 in the books today. 70.4 miles. Was another nice day for this time of year, but I think I over did it a bit today. After 15 months of cancer treatments I've been working to get some strength back. I felt great this morning and did some yard work and even run the chainsaw a bit.
Today's ride featured several school buses, a good bit of windy weather, and lots of traffic. Thought I'd get a photo of some old barns but too much traffic and no safe place to get off the road. When I came through Westville I had intentions of getting a Post Office photo but was too tired to stop and just wanted to get home... With the last couple days rides, this mornings work around the house and then an hour and a half on the bike today, my butt was kicked by the time I pushed the Yamaha back into the garage.
Still hoping to do some miles Thursday and Friday before the weather goes south but I'll have to see how I'm feeling in the morning. Sorry for no photos, I've been trying to do a bit better on that front this year!