I bought "Honda OEM" 4-pack in one bag from Andy Cepok ca 2016. Found huge cracks in 2-3 after ca 4 seasons, ca 20.000km. Can have been cracked over a year.
Crack under clamp. Carbs were not bouncing, strapped to frame with thick rubber hose stacked between carb and frame. Not any bending force to rubbers either.
I had used same clamps with stock carbs during the 80's. Carbs only attached with those clamps. Used pods. Those rubbers were only hard not a beginning of any crack.
Ordered new from DSS, Honda labeled bags. 1 rubber in each bag.
They got a nylon strap to fill the clamp groove. Cut and pre shaped to fit with a smooth surface against rubber.
Used wider clamps to cover more, 12mm wide. Old were 9mm.
Wider to press on a wider surface.
I have not noticed any issues yet after 3 seasons over 25.000km.
The rubbers are softer than old type of Honda from the 80's.
I have a new set in old Honda bags with paper label in each. Not cheap but feels better. A more greyish tone of black.
Feels like my K0 rubbers I bought 1987 in old style Honda bags. Paper labels with no bar code.
My K2 with stock carbs and airbox also got straps under clamps, 9mm wide version.
The cracked looked exactly as the new Honda in separate bags. Same markings on same locations. Only "date marking" differed. Cirkle with numbers inside.