Its on me. I went back through our messages from a few months ago, the original intent was to replace both the intake and exhaust guides but when it came time only the exhaust guides and valves were replaced and i unfortunately ordered intake valves instead of exhaust.
On the bright side of things i may just go ahead and replace the intake guides as i have brand new valves to go in them and will probably need to potentially replace and definitely recut the seats for the exhaust side
Atta Boy,
Do it right once..
If you max out your kitchen oven. With your block at temp and your sleeves taken out of your deep freeze, they should home in the block by hand..
Follow the other guys’ advice and have the bottom of the block propped up above sleeves bottoms.
And weight the tops of the sleeves to hold them down as mention to prevent movement as the temps equalize.
Having the top of the block with the sleeves all seated deck a minimum is good insurance that all if flat, true, and square with the world..😁
PS… when, if your sleeves are all out be sure and check aluminum sleeve bores for any burrs or rough spots that would keep the cold sleeve from falling (hand) in place when the block is at temperature. Making sure the block is actually at temperature..