Had the Saturday off so I figured I'd tackle the carbs... picked up some new gaskets needles & jets and went to town.
I soaked everthing over night in a gallon of carb cleaner after I took them apart. I did take some pics to show the order of things in case I forgot how they went back together. Anyway, after soaking them over night in the carb cleaner and cleaning them with some simple green and a tooth brush, I couldn't believe the difference.
The only problem I had was "un-sticking" the throttle valves... they were stuck with nasty stinky old gas etc. Even after soaking them I had to spray some penetraing oil on them and heat them up with my trusty heat gun to get them to break loose..... Worked very well - try that instead of a screwdriver etc....
I ran some brake parts cleaner through every nook, crannie and hole I could find untill I was satisfied that everything was as clean as a whistle.... after close inspection, I didn't really think I needed to change the needles and jets since they look fine, but I went ahead and did it anyway since my kit came with new o-rings etc. One less thing to worry about. The pictures weren't really needed..... If you look carefully and think logically,( I only had a few beers in me by this time) , those carbs only go back together 1 way.... After i reassembled, I decided that I was going to polish the bowls & top covers.. While I was at it I polished the brass nuts, and the bowl plugs as well.... I haven't taken pics the the polished stuff yet - that made all the difference in the world.
My new buffer is now my new favorite toy. I'll post pics of polished stuff later.
By the way.... the bike came with an extra set of carbs -though incomplete. I'm still missing a "leaf spring" that holds the jet in place in the float bowls....
Anybody have one they could sell me?