Years ago I used to ride with goggles similar to the first link over glasses. Full face helmet selection was limited to the Bell Star, made for car racing and with almost zero peripheral vision plus it weighed about 20 pounds (or at least felt like it). So I used open face, and I didn't like the atrocious aerodynamics of the flat or bubble shields. The goggles were easy to find then but I haven't looked lately. Basically the lenses snapped into a rubber ring - no metal band as shown in the link - so I could use smoked lenses and carry clear for when night fell.
I never liked the "classic" racer goggles that the Emgo (second link) ones copy. The "originals" had 2 pieces of glass for each eye and a joint where the Emgo plastic lens bends around the side. That joint always bugged me, the plastic ones might have little or no distortion in comparison. In those days such goggles were fancy leather and rubber contraptions with metal screw clamp frames to hold the glass in, hand made my master craftsmen in England at great cost.
There are lots of ski goggles that fit glasses but they generally look pretty nutty on a bike I think - flourescent orange goggles with a flourescent pink strap sporting a flourescent yellow OAKLEY?
One day a car came at me on a gravel road and threw up a stone that got me dead centre of the right safety glass lens which broke but did not fail. I doubt if just my spectacles would have saved my eye. I have some "sports" prescription lexan sunglasses that I wear now if I use an open face helmet, and use shop safety glasses for goggles if I need to ride at night over about 40km/h - the wind makes it hard to keep my eyes open with just my normal wireframe glasses at higher speed.
Picking sunglassesl with a snug or closed bridge - as opposed to wire frames - stops the wind blast coming in around the nose. If you don't wear glasses you don't realize how sensitive to wind your eyes get when perpetually shielded from it. I would advise against riding with any glass lensed spectacles or sunglasses and no goggles of face shield.