Mmmm - a delicious-looking can of worms.
1.There were 39 combat related deaths in Iraq in the month of January.A suspiciously low number, one that seems to only include US military deaths. How many 'terrorists' did we kill that month in Iraq? How many civilians? How many civilians killed each other as a result of the civil war bloodletting we have unleashed? They're morgues are full! There were no terrorists in Iraq before we invaded - how many are there now? And if we care so much about the Iraqi people (enough to 'liberate' them from saddam), then why doesn't anyone seem to care about the more than 500,000 iraqis that have died as a result of this misadventure?
2.In Detroit, Michigan there were 35 murders in the month of January. That one American city is about as deadly as
the entire war-torn country of Iraq.
A ridiculous comparison. Many more people than 39 died in Iraq in January - but you don't care about them because they are not Americans. And please don't try to claim that everyone we've killed over there is a terrorist. What would you do if another country invaded the US? Even my liberal ass would take up arms against them - that's what the Iraqis are doing. Remember the movie Red Dawn? They see us as the Russians...
Many people say that President Bush shouldn't have started this war. He didn't. It was started
by Mid-East terrorists, with the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1991. In addition remember
these facts:Sorry. No Iraqis on the 9-11 planes. No Al Qaeda in Iraq. Bin Laden hated Saddam and was glad to see him go. I wish people would stop making this fallacious connection - Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. Saddam was not in a position to threaten anyone. He was pinned down and neutered by the forces we left in Saudi after the first Iraq war. Sure, he was a dictator - so's Mugabe, so's Kim Jong Il, so's Putin if you ask me. So why not invade them too? You think we'd be in Iraq if they didn't have the second or third largest oil reserves on the planet? Right.
A. FDR led us into World War II.
B. Germany never attacked us. Japan did. Yeah, we declared war on Japan and Germany declared war on us - what's your point?
C. Truman finished that war and started one in Korea.
North Korea never attacked us.
From 1950-1953, 55,000 lives were lost, an average of 18,334 per year.And what did accomplish there again?
D. John F. Kennedy started the Viet Nam warin 1962.
Viet Nam never attacked us.
E. Johnson turned Viet Nam into a quagmire.
From 1965 to 1975, 58,000 lives were lost, an average of 5,800 per year.Right - Vietnam was a mistake. So why are we repeating it in the middle east?
F. Clinton went to war in Bosnia, without UN or French consent.
Bosnia never attacked us.We didn't need the UN - that was a NATO mission. We stopped ethnic genocide and smashed an army of seperatist muslim fanatics. I'm glad we did, personally. Why aren't you?
He was offered Osama bin Laden's head on a platter 3 times by the Sudanese
and did nothing. Osama has attacked us on multiple occasions.Why do conservatives blame everything on Clinton? We did attack a Bin Laden camp with cruise missiles once, but the Pakistani intel warned Bin Laden, who escaped. The Pakistani ISI helped install the Taliban as a way to keep Afghanistan weak, so the Pakis could use the country as a backstop should they ever go to war with India. Bin Laden and the Taliban had an alliance, so he had a de facto
alliance with pakistan. I think someone already mentioned that Bin Laden was originally funded by the CIA to fight against the Ruskies when they invaded Afhanistan so I won't get all into that. On one of the occasions we supposedly had bin laden in our sights, we decided agasint blowing him up because he was at the time having dinner with some saudi and yemeni royalty, and right or wrong in hindsight, we didn't want an int'l incident. Oh, and as for the Sudanese, they were the ones that told us to bomb that aspirin factory or whatever it was...
G. In the years since terrorists attacked us, President Bush has liberated 2
countries, crushed the Taliban, crippled Al-Qaida, and put nuclear inspectors
in Libya, Iran, and North Korea without firing a shot, and captured a tyrant who slaughtered
over 300,000 of his own people."I doubt the people of Iraq or Afghanistan feel very liberated. In fact, a whole lot of them don't feel anything at all - they're dead! Is that what you mean by liberated? The Taliban is actually gaining strength lately, what with all the opium money floating around Afghanistan, and they actually control huge swaths of territory now. If Al Qaeda has been crippled (I'd say they've restructured into a franchise operation), great! But where's bin laden? Where's al-zwahiri?
The Democrats are complaining how long the war is taking, but in actuality, it took
less time to take Iraq, than it took Janet Reno to take the Branch Davidian compound.
That was a 51 day operation.i could give a crap about Reno and the Democrats, BTW. But this is just silly. If we took Iraq in 51 days, THEN WHY ARE WE STILL THERE FOUR YEARS LATER? We didn't take anything. And Koresh was a nut that thought he was Jesus. He was a terrorist in waiting. I'm glad he's dead.
It took less time for the 3RD Infantry Division and the Marines to destroy the
Medina Republican Guard than it took Ted Kenedy to call the police after his car sank at Chapaquidick![/i]
Dude, Ted Kennedy is a drunk. We know. We're not talking about Ted Kennedy! We're not talking about Clinton, We're talking about Iraq! The US Marines are bad ass. The US military is the strongest in human history. Of course they crushed the puny and overhyped Republican Guard! So what? What did we gain? A chunk of desert we have no use for filled with people who now want to kill us. Not exactly a great victory for the USA if you ask me.
It took less time to take Iraq, than it took to count the votes in Florida!!!!!Funny thing about this statement is, number one, we're still in Iraq. Number two, if we'd have counted those votes a little quicker, we'd never be in this useless, pointless war, because we'd have found out sooner that BUSH NEVER WON THE PRESIDENCY!