...Just to set the record straighter...., and not taking out anything from the Danes, or Dutch, or Maquis in France. We just did it on a MUCH bigger scale.
Thanks for the scoop. It was my original intent to point out some heroic efforts that have gone unnoticed, although I just couldn't help taking some swipes at a country who talks endlessly about its resistance to Nazi forces.
[edit 30 March] I didn't know about the extent of the Polish underground; however, these are some things I do know about Poland:
1) I'll never forget the inspiration of the 1980's. A group of **shipyard** workers, led by Walensa, said FU to the Sovs and put the first massive chink in the heretofore thought invincible Soviet armor. This inspirational chink became the start of the downfall of the Soviet Union. Note that I do not deny the heroic efforts of the Czechs and Hungarians who were left hanging by the US.
Prior to Walensa, almost everyone -- except some visionaries like Reagan -- thought the Soviet Union was invincible; however, Walensa and the Poles knew they were not. There's a
lesson here that should not be missed by anyone. Our enemies almost always seem invincible. If not, we would not likely think that they are enemies. Consider that many in the US thought the following armies were invincible prior to to a face off:
- The Japanese in WWII, with their fanatical devotion to the Emperor: That suicidal devotion ultimately became a key aspect of their downfall.
- The Germans in WWII, with their military prowess and superior weaponry: Resources are always scarce. A strategy of superior weapons always translates to inferior numbers. Patton proved that it was possible to beat the p*ss out of the vaunted German armor. Armored attack works both ways, especially on ground that favors tanks. The Russians proved that a force, beaten at the outset, could retrench and kick the Nazis back to Berlin.
- The Chinese in Korea: Read _Colder_than_Hell_ written about the Chosin Resevoir battle. 1 Marine division, surrounded by 10-11 Chinese divisions fought their way out of a frozen lake, and endured temperatures of -40 F. They broke through and fought -- with minimal resupply -- back 100 miles while bringing out all their wounded, dead and moving equipment -- all while fighting the Chinese in their rear. The Chinese fought in mass wave attacks that required small groups of Marines to keep their machine guns cool by packing snow on them. By the way, and I'm sure I've posted this before, once the Marines became surrounded, the famous Marine Chesty Puller radioed, "We've been looking for the enemy some time now. We're surrounded. That simplifies things."
- The Soviet Union for the entire duration of the Cold War: Peaceful coexistence with a murderous and oppressive empire? No, said Welensa, the Pope, Reagan and some conservatives.
Why does this matter? We have forces now that some think are invincible. Suicidal tendencies usually become just that.
2) Check a topographical map. Poland is a relatively flat country that lies in a horrible strategic position sandwiched between two massive and usually antagonistic countries.
3) Poles are among the most, if not the most, strident supporters of our effort in Iraq. They know what it is to be oppressed, and they know what it is to fight back.
4) As I recall, Polish special forces are respected worldwide.
Walensa and the shipyard workers. The entire might of the Soviet Union. Brass balls. Without a doubt.
I could prolly come up with something else. But I gotta run.