Now the bearings won't spin freely. Is there a way to clean and lube them, or did I just ruin them? They are the original type with metal caps not sealed with rubber or plastic sides.
Any grit/dirt/metal flakes that were in the drum area or near the bearings suspended in the grease may have creeped into the bearing(s) when you sloshed gas into that area...
I would personally de-grease the snot out of them until everything is clean as can be, and the bearings spin free again, then re-pack them correctly with grease.
It is possible to remove the metal seals, but good luck being able to get them to re-use those old seals.
You can however take the seals to a bearing supplier and buy replacment ones to replace the origionals.
But, while you got it this far down, why not get the bearing numbers, and call around to see if any places have your bearings in stock.
Or order a kit online.
(buying the bearings from a local vendor will probably save you money, and be able to get them same day)