WARNING: ravings of an old street preacher follow. Don't read this unless you're incredibly bored. Hell, I wrote it and I'm embarrased to get caught reading this.
Boy am I glad you posted your post- I enjoyed reading it! "Made in USA" still means something to me- better quality than "Made in China", and plus I know some dude in this country got paid to make it, so I pay more if I have to for Made in USA. Even the computer jobs that send their work overseas are finding it ain't such a great deal anyhow- lots of Computer development projects have failed or gotten much less than was expected, due to language or cultural barrier. Usually it ends up they would have been better off to have the work done here. That's my experiences/opinions anyway.
What's really gonna be interesting to see is, when China releases it's Chinese made automobiles on the world market. I think the USA will suddenly find our roads completely overloaded with cheap, substandard cars driven by teens. I think it will be halarious to see cars being sold at Walmart and price club for a few hundred dollars! Won't it be fun sharing the road with people in disposable cars- while they talk on their cheap cell phones? Also, if a new car costs a few hundred bucks, what is gonna happen to our automotive service industry? What will happen to the guys who know how to rebuild motors, transmissions, diagnose and fix the problem when the "Check Engine" or "Check ABS" light comes on?
What's also going to be interesting is, once the USA has all it's industry killed off by developing nations and slave labor, once the USA is no longer the "prime consumer"- (i.e., once China, who is really moving up in the world as a result of manuafacturing and selling all of our goods, then has a per capita income to buy all the goods the USA currently does), I wonder if we will still get the good supply we've been enjoying of said cheap goods? Or, will China and other developing nations buy them all up? I keep waiting to read on my box of breakfast cereal "Made in Vietnam"..
With respect to eBay- I've been sniped, and have sniped. It's the current way of eBay. I can tell you this though- I think eBay will figure out a way to limit snipers, because sellers don't like snipers either! They'd much rather have a good old fashion bid war steadily jacking up prices, than a last minute sniper getting the goods for next to nothing!