When I was a student, way back in the mid '70's I always fancied owning a CB92. Even then, it was becoming a classic Honda and in pretty short supply.
I spotted one around 1975 in a shop in Sunderland UK (N.E.) .... take a look at a picture attached of the 'shop' as it was back then. The owner was never there but someone told us we would find him in the pub next door to his shop, so we waited at daytime closing for a couple of days and finally grabbed him as he rolled out. Asked him if he would sell the Benly but he told us in no uncertain terms to b*gger off !
Fast forward to around 2019 and I managed to piece together a 1961 model from a junkyard in the south of the UK ... There are many unique features to the early model and I was determined not to leave that place until I had all of the parts (like all alloy head with no skull inserts and 10mm plugs, screw top tank etc.). Last year I heard of another 'project' in bits but it was a really rare 1960 model, so I just had to buy it. The bonus was it came with a lot of 1960's spares, some were race kit parts ..so I sold them to offset the cost of the CB92 and any missing parts I had to find.....If you know this model, parts are VERY expensive and hard to locate.
Anyway ...just wondering if anyone else on here has one.