I'm probably opening up a can of worms here, but I'm looking for opinions on cleaning carbs with glass beads vs wet soda vs steam cleaning...I recently completely rebuilt my '72 CB500 Four engine and bead-blasted the cases and carb bodies and they came out looking great. I THOROUGHLY rinsed and cleaned out all the extra-fine bead media from every hole I could find - tapped the screw holes, rinsed each part thoroughly, ran the carbs through the ultrasonic, blew them out with air, RE-rinsed them with carb cleaner, thoroughly rinsed out all the oil passages in the case (I even ran a cloth down the main one that traverses the case), went through all the nooks and crannies with Q-tips and was very meticulous in making sure everything was cleaned and rinsed out when I put it all back together.
Now, bear in mind that some people will run around pulling their hair and screaming "OH MY GOD NO! JUST A SINGLE BEAD LEFT BEHIND WILL *DESTROY*!! YOUR ENGINE!!", while others say that bead blasting is fine as long as you get everything cleaned out (which I have-even those tiny little holes in the carb throat), and others say that soda blasting is the way to go, but you sacrifice in appearance what you gain in cleaning, and steam cleaning is particularly effective when cleaning carbs...personally, since I have a vapor blaster, I think I'm leaning towards the wet soda idea for carbs, but in 25 years of wrenching, reading and riding I have never seen or heard of anybody's engine getting 'destroyed' by bead blasting...not to say it hasn't happened, but I have never seen on any of the forums I'm on - including this one - somebody doomsaying about how they bead blasted their carbs and engine and then catastrophic failure occurred "and here's a picture"; all I can find is general statements saying bead blasting is not good for carbs, while others say it's fine. Personally, I tend to agree unless you thoroughly clean them afterwards, but again: I was meticulous in my after-blasting cleaning efforts.
Maybe it's up to personal choice - it IS "your" bike after all - but after all this time, effort and cash invested, I want the best for my bike, (don't we all??), so to make a long story short, What Do YOU Think??
And here's a little 'bike pron' of how she currently looks - the only thing on the engine that's painted is the case, everything else - the side covers, head, jugs and breather are bare (blasted) aluminum. I'm still trying to figure out the wiring.