Gasket set --> '75 550 takes 3.2 quarts of oil, and so should yours. I put a little less than 3 quarts in, run it for a minute and then top it off ~ you have to fill up the filter, etc.
And 3.2 quarts worth of leaking oil is one heck of a puddle of oil, or a veritable smoke cloud out your pipes. Either way, it would be real noticible. Do you have a huge puddle on the garage floor or lots of smoke when you're running it?
Dead battery: could be a bad battery, could be a bad charging system, could be overused. Remember, 550's don't start charging until you bump over 2,000 RPM. The starter chews up the available juice - a couple of starts with minimal running inbetween will do it. And don't use a car charger to charge it up - it's too much and will kill your battery, I know. When it's running again, check the charging voltage at various RPM's to see if it's OK. Use a hygrometer to check the acid and top off the water (w/distilled if you have it).
1,000 RPM = 12.0V
2,000 RPM = 12.4V
3,000 RPM = 13.2V
4,000 RPM = 14.5V
above 4K = 14.5V