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Sorry bout that Tim. I'm kinda half asleep I think. About 3:30am, our daughter's worker (she's got a worker that helps here with things because of the fact that she's handicapped) called to tell us that that Karla had fallen and hit her nose and also busted her lip up on the inside pretty bad. So I had to go up to Fort Smith (about 15mi) and found her with a badly swollen nose and upper lip. Had to wait to see the Doctor (only 1 on duty and emergency room was pretty busy). Fortunately, her nose wasn't broken. Then, after I got home, while I was looking at the ebay listing, I just glanced at where they were from and I thought it said Dallas. Man, what a morning. I know it could have been a lot worse but, not the way I expected to start the day. Later on, Bill
Kind of bad way to start the day, you know?
Quote from: bill440cars on April 17, 2007, 07:53:22 PM Kind of bad way to start the day, you know?Well, if I start the day that way, I would be happy because I would know nothing much worse could come during the rest of the day....