Author Topic: Just a few questions...  (Read 1574 times)

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Offline babyfood1217

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Just a few questions...
« on: June 20, 2005, 01:14:43 PM »
Hello again-
Well I'll ask some questions then give a progress report on my bike.
-If I have my engine out to doing some tightening of bolts and whatnot, could I remove the top engine cover ( valve cover) and do my valve adjustment then?  I don't really see why I have to have the engine in the frame to do it.
-If I were to convert to a halogen H4 system for the headlamp, I would be drawing more amps.  But could I counter that extra demand with the extra supply created by switching to LED markers and taillight?  Take from the rich and give to the poor?  Or doesn't it work that way?
-When do you know if you need to get different jets?  I'm guessing I will need to for reasons explained in my progress report below.

Progress Report

Well, I finally got all of the welding done on my exhaust.  For those of you who don't already know, I custom fit an undertail exhaust from a 2004 CBR1000RR onto a 1976 CB750k.  Actually I butchered both an exhaust from the 1000 and a 600 to pull it off.  Well, I matched the exhaust to a kerker 4-1 header, and utilized the CBR compression clamp and graphite seal to make it complete.  I had to chop a 4" portion of my frame out to make it work, but not before I fabricated and welded on two new braces to compensate for the loss and keep the frame stiff.  The engine is in right now, but only temporarily.  It needs to come out so I can replace one of the studs from the head (the torque never clicked, I swear to god.)  I also had to remove one of the frame mounting tabs for the oil pan, but I plan on tacking that back on later.  The only other way I have modified the frame so far is by cutting off the hump that went between the two sides of the frame and played host to the helmet hooks.  I am going to weld up a brace of sorts which will play two roles.  The first is to keep the canister from bouncing all over the place, and the second is to provide a point of support for the new seat (which I will also be fabricating.)  A few things I still need to do with the engine are adjust the valves, and tune the carbs (because of the new tricked out exhaust, I think I might need to get new jets, but I'll hold off with that until I learn more about tuning.  I think after that, the only things that will be left will be cosmetic issues...swithing to clips, painting the tank and possibly frame, making a heat shield for the midpipe, acquiring a new taillight and attaching both those and the markers.  I don't have a digicam, but I'll find a way to get some pictures up soon.  I'm sure you guys and gals will get a kick of this.  I hope it's never been done before, but then again, what hasn't been done to these bikes?

-chris gerber
I need help moving my project bike from Wisconsin to Seattle, WA.  Willing to pay well.  Contact if interested.

SOHC member: #438

Project: 1976 CB750K
GSXR forks, Monoshock Rear end, 836 in progress, RC51 pipes, custom frame and everything else.


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Re: Just a few questions...
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2005, 01:28:52 PM »
Well you can switch to led lights anytime you want. Now moving to a hologen will draw some extra power but as long as your connectors are good and the regulator is adjusted good, you should be ok regardless of wether or not you use leds.
I have a fairing and it uses replaceable bulbs instead of the large sealed units. I have never had an issue, even if idling for a 5 or 10 minutes.

You can adjust valves at anytime but you may have better luck with the motor in the frame. Reasons: Installing the motor back in COULD changes setting. It should not but you only want to do this when needed.
Unless the engine is on a stand, you may not have proper support to turn the crank to line up the timing marks.

As for jets, if you have deep scoring or corrosion that is more than just surface deep, then you will need new jets.
Otherwise it is mainly a wear thing. someone else may have more on this.