I'm pretty sure the 750's and 650's have different gearing. Mine's not stock, either, having one extra tooth on the front sprocket.
I didn't pass anybody on the trip home, as I was trying to maximize my fuel economy while still making good time. I ran 70 mph indicated pretty much the whole way, and when I accelerated from a pit stop I did so very moderately. Also, when I take the trip in my car I make no stops (drive through the whole way). It takes me 4 hours in my car with my speedo above 75mph the entire trip, and it only took me 3.5 hours on my bike with my speedo on 70 mph. On this trip I stopped a few times and drove 60mph between Topeka and Kansas City, which should have added time to my trip.
All of this would indicate that I'm going faster than my speedo is showing, and if so, I may well be getting better mileage than I thought (47 mpg at 85mph would be better than 47 mpg at 70 mph, for instance).
Does anyone know where I can get a cheap digital speedometer that I can easily install on my bike, just for a calibration?