Okay, so a veteran mechanic at the Motorsport Honda in ABQ (Mike) told me to put a nut over the rivet where it comes through the side plate, and vise-grip it. Well, I put a nut on like he said, and then put a C-clamp on it after stopping at Sears and buying some normal C-clamps (the ones we had were wimpy). Presto! The side plate is on, the clip goes on, and...humiliation.
Now, even after looking at the Honda manual and Clymer, I can't get the chain tensioned so I can button this up! The axle is loosened, of course. When I go to tighten the chain tensioners, nothing moves. They screw in a bit, and stop tight. I pulled the wheel back as much as it would go (not much) and the chain tensioners don't move anything any further.
Okay, so I'm a mechanical idiot. Someone educate me, please.