Life is something that is supposed to be lived. Anything you can do that makes you feel more alive or get more out of life is a plus in my book, providing it doesn't harm anyone else.
We could all die tomorrow and it can come in any way, shape or form. People die in the shower, falling off of small step ladders, from sickness and diease, etc.
Obviously, riding motorcycles increases your chances, but there are things you can do to help, maybe not balance the equation, but at least pull it back in your favor - wear the right gear, ride a properly maintained motorcycle, know how to ride said motorcycle, don't take unnecessary risks, etc. etc.
We don't know when, how or where death will come, but when it does come, I don't want to be one of those people that says, I wish I would have. This pertains to everything and not just motorcycles. Life is meant to be lived!
...and I totally agree with Sparty, find a woman that excepts you for who you are. If your passion is motorcycles, for her sake, it is probably better than drinking, hanging out at the bars, chasing other women, gambling, etc. On a similar note, I suggest finding a woman that also has a passion.