The last thing I have to wite about is....the awesome riding! Since I got this bike back on the road I have never had so much fun. This little 350f is an absolute blast to ride. There are few sounds as pleasing as hearing that bike sucking in air as it "whoofs" up towards redline (I haven't yet taken it to 10k, I feel I should have
some sympathy for it). I don't care that it's not nearly as fast as other bikes! Riding this bike is about exiting the senses, which it never fails to do. It will cruise wonderfully at 60 down country roads. Although I have taken it up to 75 and cruised the freeway at 70 with ease for a short period, the bike seems a little too uncomfortable maintaining those speeds. I also haven't tried to reach a maximum speed, again because of sympathy. I have had a few pleasant comments from strangers at stoplights admiring my bike, which is always fun. I also enjoy the gas mileage! My girlfriend didn't like it when I told her I was getting close to 60mpg (her car gets about 28). Since I pulled the bike out of the garage this spring, I've put on about 1,200 miles.
I made the decision to take the bike to college with me, even though the bike would be stored in an unlocked garage. Fortunately we live in a safe neighborhood. I was only going to keep it here for a week (to take it to show forum member johnnie), but I just enjoyed riding it too much to let it go. I have taken it on many cruise into the country. My girlfriend has even ridden it a few times with me.
My longest trip was a quest for a motorcyce shop (rerun motorcycles) in Sheboygan, which borders lake michigan. When I got to the shop, the had a sign saying they were closed for two weeks. So I decided that as long as I had come that far, I might as well go and see lake michigan. The trip totaled about 140 miles and included 20 miles of 70mph freeway cruising. I got a few stares of amazement from harley riders passing by. I guess they didn't know it was possible for such a little machine to run on the big roads.
All in all, I can't say enough about how great the experience of reviving and riding this bike has been. I can't thank the members of this board enough for helping me and giving this novice to do the work that I did. There is still plenty of work left to do. There is a leaky oring around one of my cylinder studs. The tachometer needs fixing because it will display engine speeds that are consistently below the actual by about 2,000rpm (there is no constant fluctuating). I just purchased a backrest for the girlfriend off ebay that needs minor work. I personally think they look ugly on these bikes, but if it means we get to ride more places now than drive, I'm happy. I may also replace the rocker cover someday with one that isn't damaged around the tach seal. But these are just small things that aren't urgent. For now, I am content.
Annie at school in Oshkosh with me, getting ready to head out. Shame on me for putting my helmet on my seat.

Stopping for lunch on a friday afternoon ride (wearing my dad's old leather jacket)

I took a ride west of Oshkosh and discovered this, Waukau Creek. Makes for a nice desktop background.

Annie at Lake Michigan. Notice the high-tech navigation device ( a piece of paper with directions written on it taped over the idiot lights)

Getting frozen custard at Leon's in Oshkosh