Why bother? This won't create the same vacuum as box and filter. May as well just run with stock airbox and no filter. At least you'd keep the stacks built into the stock ariboxes.
I was actually being kind of a smartass suggesting to run the pods inside the airbox, knowing that this would defeat the purpose of those that want them for aesthetics and most likely defeat any practical performance purpose.
After I said it though, I did think back to the discussion going on the High Perf board about the new style stacks being located in an enclosed airbox and thought to myself, if just for a second, "wow, is it such a stoopid idea after all?" You say that it won't create the same vacuum as the stock box/filter, but could it be tuned to any advantage, like the stacks/box set-up? or is it just rampant silliness? I know the stacks discussed were in a larger airbox, so maybe....