First thing I would do is a compression check before I started to dismantle anything. After initial compression check, do the old trick of adding a little oil to that cylinder and see if the compression improves.........
If it shows low compression......... well, we all make decisions about how much we like the bike. If it needs work on that cylinder, I don't see any easy way of going about it. If you open up the cylinder, take some measurements on its diameter, in several different locations..... compare the results to Honda's specs. If the diameter is too large.......Hone walls and install oversize rings?....... still a lot of work even for this short cut....... personally, I wouldn't shortcut...........
Maybe it could be a bad ring......
If you do take the engine apart, you could use plastigage on the connecting rod bearings and the main bearings; again, compare results to Honda specs and see if you could live without having to redo all the bearings......... just a thought........
~ ~ ~ jaknight ~ ~ ~