hello all ..
i am glad to announce that my winter project is almost completed and my cb750 k8 is now road worthy ..
just got done installing the cb750F stock headers i got from ebay this week without the exhaust and boy it sounds MEAN
.. even the dogs on the street were running away when i opened it up ..
my stock 4 into 4 exhasut had some small holes and the mufflers were rattling so needed a decent exhaust system .. the 4 into 1 is a bit more responsive if u ask me but it might just be psychological ..
i was wondering how an akra slip on can like the one below would look on the 750 k8 .. what do you all think ?
i must be dreaming as this was supposed to be a budget project .. am pretty sure a mordern sport bike muffler would work just fine ..
akra can for a 2006 yamaha R 6