OK guys, it's time for the biggy,...starting the CR836
When we had the big motor built, we decided to leave out the kick start to cut down on weight (I wonder how quick it would be if Chris went on a diet
We arrive at the strip and unload the van.
We jack the rear end of the van up and slide a set of start rollers under one of the drive wheels. The van is then lowered onto them.
We put the CR onto the other end of the rollers and Chris gets his leg over.
I get into the van and start the motor. I engage reverse gear and when Chris is ready I spin the rollers slowly and he selects 1st gear.
With everything ready, Chris lifts his weight off the seat and I spin the rollers up at a fastish rate, he drops the clutch and crashes his 280lb but onto the seat
The big motor spins up and we keep it like that for about 10 to 15 seconds to get the oil around the motor.
Once this is done I stop the roller while Chris puts the choke, ignition and fuel on.
When he gives me the OK, I spin the rollers, he drops the clutch and dumps his 280lb but on the poor seat again
As soon as it fires, I stop the rollers and he takes the bike out of gear, freeing his left hand up to take the choke off.
The bike is then warmed up for about 5 minutes and is ready to go.
Quite easy really