First, since I'm a descendant of untold numbers of ancestors who
forged a life here on their own, without government assistance
and largely with a mistrust of government. They did so with guns as
their primary means of defence from a rampant government and
as a means to provide food. They were never thought of as civilians,
a word that should be considered a cuss word here for we are CITIZENS.
Our armies were never to be large standing armies but armies consisting
of CITIZEN Soldiers and disbanded when not needed. Returning to the local
Militias from which they were drawn. In fact this is what our constitution
clearly states,though ignored by our current usurpers of power and
deniers of the constitution by illegal edicts from their thrones.
One day soon the constitution must be reinstated in full and that is
why I will hang on to my guns.
This may be hard to fathom for those from Australia, or the UK,
or many European countries. For they are use to being told what to do
by their governments and readily accept it. For Australians I guess it
is a reminant of that prison mentality since they are largely descendants of
prisoners, for Europeans it's probably a remnant of the serf mentality.
For me, I have neither remnant, I am a descendant of Rebels,
first against the Throne of England, and then against the Usurper Lincoln.
Thus my blood is the same as my ancestors.
CITIZENS should have been armed here!
CITIZENS at Waco should never have stop firing while they had the upper hand.
A good sniper there could have turned the tide forcing a different tactic rather than
a siege and stopped the subsequent government slaughter of CITIZENS.
CITIZENS in the community should have responded as soon as word was out
and forced the feds out.
CITIZENS at Ruby Ridge should have responded to help those
folks holed up there.
The miltarization of the local Police was never intended by our
founders. In fact this will be the last straw that finally gets folks in the
mind set to take up arms for change one day. 37th Anniversary is that of Kent State.