Unemployment (UE) statistics lie.
Sorry had to say it, because I was UE for several years, and did not count against the statistics because I was not
recieveing compensation, although I was still looking for gainful employment.
Yes I finally did find a job, but alas not in another machine shop. My current wages are less than half of what I made
as a teenager 30 years ago! (taking into account inflation).
The minimum wage in Vermont is $7.50 hour, in NH I believe it is $5.45 hour (?). Try having this wage with 2 kids in
college, house payments and then try and convince me I am better off. (seems all politicians used to try this line)
Our manufacturing base has left the Connecticut Valley and so have the wages. Why do the politicains not care?
Could it be because my new Billionaire neighbor has paid off said politicians to ignore us common folk? Me thinks yes.
Rant rant rant.....
And another thing, somewhere I heard most new Vermonters are millionaires. So the call for good low-paying personal
cooks, butlers, groundskeepers etc etc should be increasing soon.
The disparity in wealth in this area is striking. Come drive around and see Trailers with tar-papered walls are at the bottom of the hills that have multi-million $
"new Vermonters" housing at the top.
One new Vermonter is the former candidate for Massachusetts governor. They bought a hillside farmhouse, and paid over $1,000,000 in renovations.
weell, just had to get that off my chest.
I would say that 74 has taken this thread in a new and interesting direction. Not all Americans are rich, nor is wealth evenly shared. his is not a socialist society. I lve in an area where evrey new home is worth $1M Dollars and an older one like mine is $600K. I also pay $9,000 in property taxes.
When he is of break from College my Son makes no less than $10.00 per hour. Beyond this crap about Guns, we have a changing economy in which manufacturing jobs
are leaving. Not everyone has the ability or opportunity to become a Doctor, Lawyer, Computer Programmer, etc. But, they should be able to make a living wage and put food on the table. We do need a change in Washington to start re inventing America.
I have spent time in Vermont and when in Mass, I pop across the border into NH to buy deep discounted Liquor and Wine from the State store. I also buy clothing with no sales tax.
Around Christmas The Salvation Army collects money, in NH I have rarely observed people not drop something in the bucket. From the cars they are driving, these are not people with a great deal, but, they will give something for people who have less. This is the finest example of the American character.
We as Americans were taught as children that we have rights and these rights were paid for dearly in the various wars. We do not like to have our rights taken away from us. Even if we don't personally exercise that particular right.