Author Topic: Here she is, the '70 CB450  (Read 2056 times)

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Offline gregwaits

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Here she is, the '70 CB450
« on: May 07, 2007, 03:21:31 PM »
Just picked her up today. Obviously a few areas need attention, but for the age, I feel this bike is in very good condition. Also shown is an early XR100 I picked up for $300. This one may be a keeper!
1978 CB750K8; 1970 CB450

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Here she is, the '70 CB450
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2007, 03:50:09 PM »

          Way to go Greg,

                               I know it feels good to get it home. Looks like you got a pretty good deal all the
          way round! ;) 8)  When  you're ready, I suppose you'll let us in on your plans? ??? ;D When
          you're ready, of course. ;)

                                                              Later on, Bill :) ;)
Member # 1969
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Re: Here she is, the '70 CB450
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2007, 04:40:43 PM »

How many bikes do you have now?


Offline medic09

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Re: Here she is, the '70 CB450
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2007, 05:06:25 PM »
That 450 looks quite nice as is.  Congrats!

'78 CB750K
'76 Triumph T160 Trident (rebuilding)
'07 aprilia Caponord

Santa Fe, NM

Offline gregwaits

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Re: Here she is, the '70 CB450
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2007, 07:42:49 PM »
Thanks all. I feel real lucky to have gotten that CB450 for a mere $400.

Here are the things I need to tend to and/or replace:

Buy replacement fork boots (one has split in half)

Rebuild caliper and master cylinder

Replace brake and clutch levers

There is a crease in the right side of the tank. it isn't visible in the pics but it is pretty obvious. I am hoping I can get someone at a 'paintless' dent removal place to roll it out from the inside. I think it can be reached that way. The paint is so clean that I would hate to have to strip it, bondo the dent and repaint.

New tires

Clean and possibly repaint the engine

Same with the frame, but I don't want to have to tear this bike down.

Polish all the chrome; fenders, pipes, handlebars, fork tubes, rear-view mirrors, etc etc.

De-rust all the exposed nuts bolts and screws.

Chris, counting the CB500K I am rebuilding, I have 4 at the momemt, but there is no way I am keeping them all (as much as I would like to!). I had some other bikes I mentioned in here, but I either parted them out or sold them intact.

My buddy wants me to work up to a newer cruiser (ie: A Honda Valkyrie or a classic Goldwing), but I am so gassed with these classics!
« Last Edit: May 07, 2007, 07:45:49 PM by gregwaits »
1978 CB750K8; 1970 CB450

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Here she is, the '70 CB450
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2007, 08:07:01 PM »

    Hey Greg,
             Once again, that's a decent 450 you picked up on. ;) 8) Sounds like you've got a good plan for it too! :)  As far as the paint on the frame goes, you might be able to kinda detail it out without taking too much off of it. It'd take some time and some masking off and such. I figure you'll do what ever's needed. Take care guy.

                                                             Later on, Bill :) ;)
Member # 1969
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Offline gregwaits

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Re: Here she is, the '70 CB450
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2007, 08:15:20 PM »
Bill, thanks for the kind words and useful advice.

Judging from that list of bikes in your stable, I'd venture to say you have a larger garage than me and a much more tolerant wife!  ;D
1978 CB750K8; 1970 CB450

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Here she is, the '70 CB450
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2007, 08:40:24 PM »
Bill, thanks for the kind words and useful advice.

Judging from that list of bikes in your stable, I'd venture to say you have a larger garage than me and a much more tolerant wife!  ;D

        I've got a 1-car garage, a 12 x 14 storage building, a kid's swingset frame with a tarp thrown over it and attached as well as possible. And as far as a more tolerable wife goes, she refers to the bikes as "Junk". :-\ She doesn't bring it up as often as she used to. ;D But most of mine are "Project Bikes too!"
I'm kinda getting some slow progress though. The 80' Cb750K w/sidecar should be on the road within the next week or 2. The 63' CB77 (with the CA77 motor) is gaining needed parts and should be working on that one soon. Also, trying to make some room to get to where I can start making some progress on the 77' CB550K Cafe/CR Style build. I need to get some work done on the CB and CL450s that I also have. I'll tell ya, it'd work alot better if I could clone myself to do other stuff while I worked on the bikes (I'd have to develope a lot more energy though!) ;D Man, I'm getting tired just thinking about all that I have to do and all that I need to do. I really have to thin things down a bunch. :( There's just not enough time in the days and not sure if there's enough time left in my life!

                                                       Later on, Bill :) ;)     
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
                  Dakota LE 4x4 '66 CB77 & '72 SL350K2
Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!