I know I should know better than argue with Eldar, as he is much smarter than I am

, but here goes...
Bill Gates made our economy the strongest it had been in a long time, not Bill Clinton. Clinton's tax & spend caused some of the deficits that Bush inherited, and Clinton's impotence on terrorism (remember the first time the World Trade Center was bombed, and Clinton did NOTHING?) caused the current Iraq-war-related deficits. You see, we SHOULD HAVE BEEN WORRIED about terrorism during the Clinton years, but we had our heads buried in the sand, instead.
Bush was barely in office a few months, and suddenly saddled with a huge technology-driven stock market bubble that was about to burst, and a horrible terrorist atrocity which led us into a now unpopular, expensive war.
As for oil, yeah, its pretty steep. What makes you think GWB sets those prices? Or that he has the authority to set limits on oil company profits? Commodities traders set those prices, based on the perceived ability to get oil delivered. Yes, all the claims of 'blood for oil' are obviously false, as the commodities traders don't seem to think our presence in Iraq makes oil more abundant (cheaper). Hey, who keeps buying those Nissan Armada's anyway?
Clinton never got a blowjob in the Oval office. Just ask him. His answer was "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Remember?

Minimum wage SHOULD be set by states, or even better, municipalities. Do you really think somebody in NYC can afford to live on the same wages as somebody in Omaha?
No, I don't think Bush is the greatest leader we've ever had, but he isn't to blame for a lot of what he was handed. All it takes is a good memory to realize that he got handed a bum rap when he took office.
Well Led, clinton made our economy the strongest it had been in a long time. Bush as butchered it and caused a deficit that would cost EVERY person in the US(even kids) something like 50,000 dollars to pay off if not even more than that now. I guess I dont have $50,000 laying around, do you?
Clinton may have been a little soft on terror but I dont remember having to be constantly worrying about terror. We worry about it every day, isnt that terror in itself which has been caused by the antics of GWB. Gas under clinton was like 1.50 a gallon. Shortly after bush gets in, up it goes. Hey maybe you WANT to pay $4 a gallon or more this summer. I dont. Supposedly there is a gas shortage, I have never seen a station closed cause they were out of gas. There have been no signs saying people with this latter for a last name can fill these days and not these. I fail to see how there is a shortage if the oil companies are making BILLIONS of dollars in RECORD profits. Yet NOT putting ANY of those funds into the contruction of NEW or even EXPANSION of refineries.
CLinton got a blowjob in the oval office. COOL!!! We got a pres that we can actually confirm as being able to get some. Not some Old codger we have to worry about going senile. Minimum wage was also raised last during clinton. Bush and the rest of the republicans have squashed it ANY time it came up. It has fallen to the states to raise the minimum wage.
If you were already rich, had stock in defence contractors or are in oil, THEN bush has done VERY well.