Man, I love this forum!!!
Two days ago, I started hooking all the wires back up in the headlight bucket. Even though everything is color coded, I still marked everything with tape. Everything went back together easily. Installed the charged battery, turned the key. Lights on...good. Hit the starter and nothing!

I spent all day yesterday digging in that rats nest of wires. I found a couple loose wires that weren't marked, so I figured they were either already disconnected by PO or came loose on their own when removing the old frontend. Turns out both scenarios were correct. I hooked up what I could. Hit the starter and nothing. Kept digging. Pulled wires loose and reconnected to make sure had good connections. Started looking elsewhere making sure I didn't pull or break something loose (especially when installing the front offset sprocket). Nothing.
Keep in mind that if you think I'm no mechanical wiz, I am virtually an electrical retard.

Went to Lowes last night and bought a multimeter and started with the wires from the starter button and cut-off switch. Everything seemed to be doing what it is supposed to. Turns out it wasn't my wire reconnecting at all. I traced it to the solenoid. I ordered a new one from Honda but luckily I did a search and did some reading here too. Saw a post from Jevfro that said to take it off and hit it with a hammer and that he beat his on the concrete. I figured if its already broke, what can it hurt? Took it off, beat it on the concrete, put it back and IT WORKS!!! She's turning over!!!
Called Honda and cancelled the new solenoid order... at least for now.
