Author Topic: Fuel stabiliser  (Read 6361 times)

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Offline azuredesign

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2007, 04:26:59 AM »


PALE OIL                     40-60%
NAPHTHA                   25-35%
IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) 10-20%

Do you think that 20% alcohol is a detriment in modern fuel systems where there may be more non metallic parts than in our older bikes?

Previously  I have drained the fuel system for storage with no problem, but had purchased some Sta-bil for the first time for my bikes, including an injected model that I recently acquired and wasn't sure how to drain.

I didn't realize the difference between products, thanks, but am now not sure I bought the right additive.

Has anyone mixed Sta-bil and Seafoam?

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2007, 04:50:02 AM »


PALE OIL                     40-60%
NAPHTHA                   25-35%
IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) 10-20%

Do you think that 20% alcohol is a detriment in modern fuel systems where there may be more non metallic parts than in our older bikes?

Previously  I have drained the fuel system for storage with no problem, but had purchased some Sta-bil for the first time for my bikes, including an injected model that I recently acquired and wasn't sure how to drain.

I didn't realize the difference between products, thanks, but am now not sure I bought the right additive.

Has anyone mixed Sta-bil and Seafoam?

The last article I read regarding ethanol in modern fuel says to avoid using fuel stabilizers or other fuel enhancments that contain isopropyl alcohol
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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2007, 07:11:07 AM »
What are you guys?  A bunch of wooses?  I can understand some frozen precip keeping one off the bike, but I find that it is easier to keep warm while riding in the winter than it is to keep cool in the heat of summer.  Historically, I ride more in the winter than the summer.

Stabil is for use in the generator.
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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2007, 07:31:27 AM »
What are you guys?  A bunch of wooses?  I can understand some frozen precip keeping one off the bike, but I find that it is easier to keep warm while riding in the winter than it is to keep cool in the heat of summer.  Historically, I ride more in the winter than the summer.

Stabil is for use in the generator.

When there's ice on the roads, I park 'em for a few months.  :(

Are you all sure IPA is *isopropyl* alcohol?  I thought it was India Pale Ale.  Ya know, 'what's good in me is good in the motor'... :D

(On a sadder note, I had a patient in the ER last week who was thoroughly drunk on isopropyl alcohol.  It was quite sad.  The stuff doesn't show up on a standard alcohol test, though.  Honest, judge, as you can see from the hospital tests, I was not drunk on alcohol as this officer claims...)

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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2007, 07:35:19 AM »
Symptoms for methanol and isopropyl alcohol may include:

Kidney failure
Lungs and airways
Rapid, shallow breathing
Stopped breathing (see breathing difficulties - first aid)
Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
Blurred vision
Dilation of the pupils
Cyanosis (blue skin, lips, or fingernails)
Heart and blood
Low blood pressure
Severe disturbance in the level of acid in the blood (pH balance); leads to multi-organ failure
Nervous system
Muscles and bones
Leg cramps

Me thinks the judge might be the least of his problems.
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Offline azuredesign

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #30 on: November 14, 2007, 07:40:01 AM »

(On a sadder note, I had a patient in the ER last week who was thoroughly drunk on isopropyl alcohol.  It was quite sad.  The stuff doesn't show up on a standard alcohol test, though.  Honest, judge, as you can see from the hospital tests, I was not drunk on alcohol as this officer claims...)

I saw someone from the Boston homeless shelter many years ago while I was in dental school who related that he was drinking a pint of Acetone every other week. He also related his imbibing partner had died from the same regieme. When I asked him why the hell he did it, he said it was the only way he could get a buzz. So it goes, I just hope the isopropyl fellow isn't driving when I'm on the road. I wonder if stuff like that should be reported?

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #31 on: November 14, 2007, 07:59:24 AM »
What are you guys?  A bunch of wooses?  I can understand some frozen precip keeping one off the bike, but I find that it is easier to keep warm while riding in the winter than it is to keep cool in the heat of summer.  Historically, I ride more in the winter than the summer.

Stabil is for use in the generator.

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2007, 08:43:16 AM »

(On a sadder note, I had a patient in the ER last week who was thoroughly drunk on isopropyl alcohol.  It was quite sad.  The stuff doesn't show up on a standard alcohol test, though.  Honest, judge, as you can see from the hospital tests, I was not drunk on alcohol as this officer claims...)

I saw someone from the Boston homeless shelter many years ago while I was in dental school who related that he was drinking a pint of Acetone every other week. He also related his imbibing partner had died from the same regieme. When I asked him why the hell he did it, he said it was the only way he could get a buzz. So it goes, I just hope the isopropyl fellow isn't driving when I'm on the road. I wonder if stuff like that should be reported?

Seriously speaking, this patient is a frequent visitor.  He has a real alcoholic disease; has been in rehab numerous times.  He doesn't drive or work, as far as I know.  He drinks anything he can get with alcohol (you old-timers may remember hearing about folks straining Burma Shave).  One of our docs was telling me that the isopropyl alcohol also likely lasts longer, giving the drinker an extended drunk.

Now, India Pale Ale works well in me; how would it do in my bike's tank?

'78 CB750K
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Santa Fe, NM

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #33 on: November 14, 2007, 09:16:31 AM »

(On a sadder note, I had a patient in the ER last week who was thoroughly drunk on isopropyl alcohol.  It was quite sad.  The stuff doesn't show up on a standard alcohol test, though.  Honest, judge, as you can see from the hospital tests, I was not drunk on alcohol as this officer claims...)

I saw someone from the Boston homeless shelter many years ago while I was in dental school who related that he was drinking a pint of Acetone every other week. He also related his imbibing partner had died from the same regieme. When I asked him why the hell he did it, he said it was the only way he could get a buzz. So it goes, I just hope the isopropyl fellow isn't driving when I'm on the road. I wonder if stuff like that should be reported?
...........oh no....The Acetone story. ;) ;D

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Offline azuredesign

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #34 on: November 14, 2007, 10:04:45 AM »
oh no....The Acetone story. ;) ;D

I'm not quite sure why, but Mike seems to like the acetone story :P :

Seriously speaking, this patient is a frequent visitor.  He has a real alcoholic disease; has been in rehab numerous times.  He doesn't drive or work, as far as I know.  He drinks anything he can get with alcohol (you old-timers may remember hearing about folks straining Burma Shave).  One of our docs was telling me that the isopropyl alcohol also likely lasts longer, giving the drinker an extended drunk.

It does really stink to see someone throwing themselves away. Sorry you have to watch it.

Offline MoTo-BunnY

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2007, 12:49:56 PM »

(On a sadder note, I had a patient in the ER last week who was thoroughly drunk on isopropyl alcohol.  It was quite sad.  The stuff doesn't show up on a standard alcohol test, though.  Honest, judge, as you can see from the hospital tests, I was not drunk on alcohol as this officer claims...)

I saw someone from the Boston homeless shelter many years ago while I was in dental school who related that he was drinking a pint of Acetone every other week. He also related his imbibing partner had died from the same regieme. When I asked him why the hell he did it, he said it was the only way he could get a buzz. So it goes, I just hope the isopropyl fellow isn't driving when I'm on the road. I wonder if stuff like that should be reported?

Seriously speaking, this patient is a frequent visitor.  He has a real alcoholic disease; has been in rehab numerous times.  He doesn't drive or work, as far as I know.  He drinks anything he can get with alcohol (you old-timers may remember hearing about folks straining Burma Shave).  One of our docs was telling me that the isopropyl alcohol also likely lasts longer, giving the drinker an extended drunk.

Now, India Pale Ale works well in me; how would it do in my bike's tank?

While I lived in New Mexico (in Taos) many moons ago, I first got there and while hanging in the local town park I noticed a ton of empty Listerine bottles (along with other detritus like beer cans and what not) in the ditches back by the graveyard. I was baffled and asked local friends what's up with that. They non-nonchalantly said "Oh, because there is no package beer or liquor sales on Sundays". Still confused, I said "so?", then they pointed out how near the Taos Pueblo reservation was nearby (and this was one of their fave off-rez drinking spots) and I put two and two together realizing Listerine has a good bit of alcohol in it . . . .. ***yikes***  :'(
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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2007, 07:08:52 PM »
I have lived in every climate except artic.  I fill the tank, the machine sits, I use the machine, I fill the tank, the machine sits, I use the machine.  My gas tanks on everything is full everytime it sits.  My generator (1964 4cyl army generator) sits years without starting, but the gas tank is topped off full.  Never in 40 years have I ever had varnish or a carb problem due to fuel breaking down, Not lawn mowers, snow blowers, go-karts, boats ect.  I wasted my money one time on Jello (sorry I meant Sta-Bil) for 3 machines.  It turned into 3 projects.  I won't put it in trash can out of fear i would have to clean it to make it hold trash again.
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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #37 on: November 15, 2007, 07:07:33 AM »
So it seems that sta-bil is not that great. I wonder if there is any correlation to how long it sits and how cold the temps get. It gets COLD here in ND. Alaska has NOTHING on us. Maybe cold weather causes it to gel some, which does not go away when it warms up.

Online MRieck

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #38 on: November 15, 2007, 07:25:50 AM »
So it seems that sta-bil is not that great. I wonder if there is any correlation to how long it sits and how cold the temps get. It gets COLD here in ND. Alaska has NOTHING on us. Maybe cold weather causes it to gel some, which does not go away when it warms up.
I have never experienced gelling and that is in the John Deere mower, snow blower, 3 bikes and many years of doing the same routine. It's not as cold as ND in MA but it does go below 0 occasionally
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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2007, 07:38:45 AM »
When I talk about cold, I mean the daily high for weeks never gets above 0 :o
Think deep canada temps where they is no warmer sea breeze.

Thats why I laugh when people talk about riding in the winter. Around here, it dont happen unless by some miracle we do not get crapped on with an ice storm and the temps actually get above 20.

Offline azuredesign

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #40 on: November 15, 2007, 09:36:10 AM »
When I talk about cold, I mean the daily high for weeks never gets above 0 :o
Think deep canada temps where they is no warmer sea breeze.

Thats why I laugh when people talk about riding in the winter. Around here, it dont happen unless by some miracle we do not get crapped on with an ice storm and the temps actually get above 20.

So, no palm trees in ND? Sorry, I hope that your winter goes quickly. I was grounded in Dickinson in spring 1998 for a couple of days due to overpowering jet stream winds on my way to Idaho. Noted that the trucks were passing me on 94 and put down there in heavy crosswinds. Was in good company as a bunch of private commercial carriers in King Airs and Gulfstreams got stranded as well. Found a courtesy car with the keys in the visor and a full tank of gas and had a great time out there. Nice area and nicer people.

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2007, 12:01:30 PM »
It would appear Sta-bil is only Isopropanol
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?


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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #42 on: November 15, 2007, 12:19:38 PM »
Nope, no palm trees. I wonder sometimes why I live here then I see traffic jams and I suddenly remember! :D

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #43 on: November 15, 2007, 01:25:30 PM »
Nope, no palm trees. I wonder sometimes why I live here then I see traffic jams and I suddenly remember! :D
We don;t have palms here in NY, but we do have traffic jams. i wonder why I live here and then I travel to a remote area, then I remember why I leve here.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #44 on: November 15, 2007, 01:57:31 PM »
Has anyone ever found any definitive and objective (not performed by vendor) tests of stabilizing products used for fuel?
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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #45 on: November 15, 2007, 02:34:00 PM »
I doubt it. These days all tests are biased and the ones that are not get sued and disappear it seems.

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #46 on: November 15, 2007, 03:19:15 PM »
I wonder if Consumer Reports ever did tests? I don't currently have a subscription with them anymore - you need to, in order to access their archives.

Anyone else doing it - i.e. a blogger or something - would probably get sued for libel, I'm sure. I have read several times now about people commenting on their bad service experiences with businesses being sued. Sure, they would probably win if taken all the way to court but they just fold so as not to deal with all the hassle and costs.   :P
« Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 04:18:29 PM by MoTo-BunnY »
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1973 Honda CB500K2
1970 Ding-How aka Nova R-S w/3.5HP Tecumseh MiniBike
1970 Taco Model 22 deluxe w/3.0HP Briggs & Stratton MiniBike
1973 GMC Vandura 3/4 Ton Van (350CID V8)
1973 Dodge "Chinook" RV (360CID V8)
1985 Toyota Tercel Wagon SR5 (4WD - 3A engine)
1982 Toyota Pickup Truck (2WD - 22R engine)
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #47 on: November 15, 2007, 04:11:19 PM »
I checked Consumer Reports. There are a number of reports, etc. about various tools powered by gas engines and storage suggestion is to add a stabilizer to the fuel, but does that suggest definitive proof or are they just repeating common lore?

I was actually looking for something wherein a batch of fuel was stored with and without stabilizer and analysed/tested after storage.
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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #48 on: November 15, 2007, 04:25:46 PM »
I would have thought Consumer Reports, if anyone, would have done tests like you are saying.

Any way to do a homebrew test? I don't know how you would really test the fuel after storage to see how much it degraded or whateva?  (like, does it still burn as clean as fresh fuel or something?)

dunno..  .sounds like such a test is certainly needed though - would probably generate a lot of interest with enthusiasts, too. . .. .   ???

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[img width= height=][/img]

hoppin' on down the bunny trail . . .

1973 Honda CB500K2
1970 Ding-How aka Nova R-S w/3.5HP Tecumseh MiniBike
1970 Taco Model 22 deluxe w/3.0HP Briggs & Stratton MiniBike
1973 GMC Vandura 3/4 Ton Van (350CID V8)
1973 Dodge "Chinook" RV (360CID V8)
1985 Toyota Tercel Wagon SR5 (4WD - 3A engine)
1982 Toyota Pickup Truck (2WD - 22R engine)
1962? DriveX Pack-Mule (Tote-Gote clone)
1989 VW Jetta GLi 16V
1991 Diamondback Mtn. Bike

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Re: Fuel stabiliser
« Reply #49 on: November 15, 2007, 06:44:09 PM »
OK, I use stabilizer in "most" of my gas powered things........
Missed the weed-eater last year and it gummed up! 

I get what you are all saying......... Lets see a test

I went to the TV Show MYTHBUSTERS web site. Seems this could be a good topic for part of their show.

This seems to be the most relevant forum.  My Mac computer won't Let Me Post a New Topic!!!!!!!!!!!!