Author Topic: "I'll never again open threads with provocative titles" a.k.a. "The can of worms  (Read 4887 times)

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Offline matchanu

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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #50 on: May 11, 2007, 07:25:08 AM »
Ah and I am sure you are the expert right? you know all and see all dont you.

Never claimed to. I don't work in the halls of the politcal government, nor would I care to. My past proffession has put me on the pointy end on more than a few occasions. I've built up quite a roladex of contacts and firends who are, shall we say, connected. My current possition puts me in touch with a lot more of the "bigger picture" of foriegn policy inner workings.

So is that a "know all see all"? Hardly. But I do have a better understanding of why moves are made and why men are put into harms way than if I didn't have the background that I have.

I'm only speaking of first hand, or trusted source intell. How about you?

Tomfoolery.  (see I can make up words too)

Oh whee.

Fixing issues may not be black and white but it can be done and currently, it is not being done.

It's being done, and quite affectivly I might add. Things could have, and should be going a lot better in some instances, but overall what has been ignored is now being addressed.

I know this won't mean anything to you, but thank God this administration had the balls to take action when and were it was needed. This entire campaign is asymetircal and all encompasing. What ou see on the news is only a fraction of the real battle that is being fought. We are doing well, but the fight is far from over.

So maybe we have less than 10% of the overall picture. That is because our politicians have forgotten they work for us. Maybe if we did a periodic cleaning of the house and senate, this would not be such an issue. If we elected a person based more on ability instead of the amount of money they can throw at propaganda, that might help.


So presidential campaigns are not catering to the peoples wants?

Just becasue the current POTUS isn't someone you like doesn't mean they (administration) don't work for the people. No administration is going to be all things to all people.

A good rule of thumb? never trust anyone who doesn't have enemies.

I believe that anyone who gets into politics has the best interests of the people in mind. Not everyone is going to agree with those intrests/intentions, but I really don't think that the government is "out to get you".

That being said, the bigger the company, the smaller you become. In the end, it is, unfortunatly, about keeping a close eye on poll numbers,  keeping a job and catering to the voters.

It's politics, and it's ass.

Douchbaggery? Do you have a degree in it?

Continual engagement into these conversations and everyone will have a Phd in it.


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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #51 on: May 11, 2007, 08:44:33 AM »
Well you see, I would not have had to say anything but you made a blatant backside on quail. For no reason at all.  You dont claim to know it all but you sure implied it. But as you "say" your current position puts you in touch with it more. So you say.

Obviously you got the hint about made up words.

I would like to see what problems are being taken care and quite nicely too.  Nothing has changed at this time. Our rights are still being walked on. We are still being spied on, I am sure.  I have seen nothing that leads anyone to think that problems are being solved. Things may be headed that way for sure but I would like to see some results instead of bush against the congress.

Sure no candidate can be everything but they should also not be elected just cause they can raise the most cash or because they reportedly commit fraud against voters. As for the administration having balls, what is it the actually needed to be done? Beat up on some small country? That takes balls, especially when he never has to actually worry about a single bullet?  Sure things needed to be done but the wrong things were done. I am all for protecting against terrorist but making even more enemies is not the way to do it. Spying on our own citizens is not the way to do it. Signing away habeas corpus is not the way to do it.
Maybe the current admin should have had more brains and less balls? As for doing well, define well?  We have soldiers dying almost daily and attacks that continue daily. A country that does not want us there are it has caused more trouble than they had before. Despite what some "people" like to say. So where is this sign we are doing good?  People dying, gas skyrocketing, terror groups flourishing, OUR rights being compromised, and a HUGE deficit that is starting to make reaganomics look good. Those are bad signs to me.

Offline matchanu

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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #52 on: May 11, 2007, 08:53:22 AM »

I'm only speaking of first hand, or trusted source intell. How about you?

I'll quote myself and ask you again.

The rest of your post is...buffoonery.

Look it up. ;)


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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #53 on: May 11, 2007, 09:01:00 AM »
No more than yours if. Besides that, all we have is your word that you know more and that means nothing.

Attempted trickery. ;)

Offline matchanu

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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #54 on: May 11, 2007, 09:37:10 AM »
No more than yours if. Besides that, all we have is your word that you know more and that means nothing.

Attempted trickery. ;)

Yup, that's what it is. ::)

DU sounds like a better website for you, lots of your kind there, an echo chamber of pysdo-intellectuals and privliged socialists.

Have the best day ever.


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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #55 on: May 11, 2007, 10:01:47 AM »
Kinda like your HOO RAA site where anyone with a different viewpoint is endlessly harrassed?

Privileged?  HA I wish. I wish I did not have to work for every penny. I would not have to budget EVERYTHING I want to buy.

But even with all that, I will have a great day. 

I love this country. We have great people but a crap ass govt that is too concerned about themselves than doing the right thing.
Even our Forces are great people, but no matter what anyone tries to say or how much they try to call me names or any other such garbage, they are getting shafted with having to be in Iraq and deserve far better treatment than what Bush has given them. You know of course that injured soldiers have been getting sent back and they have no business fighting. For an admin that supposedly supports the troops, they sure are treating said troops extremely poor.

Offline matchanu

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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #56 on: May 11, 2007, 10:08:55 AM »

You know of course that injured soldiers have been getting sent back and they have no business fighting. For an admin that supposedly supports the troops, they sure are treating said troops extremely poor.


I really hope you don't actually believe this.

Wow, I didn't think the leval of ignorace could be this bad.


Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #57 on: May 11, 2007, 10:12:19 AM »
While you read this I'm writing 200 times in the blackboard

"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"


Offline matchanu

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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #58 on: May 11, 2007, 10:21:23 AM »
While you read this I'm writing 200 times in the blackboard

"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"
"I'll never again open threads with provocative titles"


It's never a good idea when the site is supposed to be focused on motorcycles.

I mean really, more wrench'n and rind'n, less BS.


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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #59 on: May 11, 2007, 10:23:49 AM »
I didnt know you could be so stupid as to not read it in at least ONE of the many news sources that has posted stories name SPECIFIC people.

You should stick with your advice though about wrenchin. Cause clearly you know no more than you claim I do.

Offline matchanu

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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #60 on: May 11, 2007, 10:28:04 AM »
I didnt know you could be so stupid as to not read it in at least ONE of the many news sources that has posted stories name SPECIFIC people.

You should stick with your advice though about wrenchin. Cause clearly you know no more than you claim I do.



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Re: Is GWB retarded or what?
« Reply #61 on: May 11, 2007, 10:31:31 AM »
right back atcha ;)

Offline 750goes

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the weather in Sydney this morning is overcast and dull with a chance of rain...I'm going to work soon so I hope you guys get this off your chests and "have a nice day now".......

hey Raul - good topic I can just see you like Bart Simpson writing on the blackboard those lines you quoted......

it's good therapy to vent at intangible oddities, but I like the thought

"sacred cows make the best hamburgers"

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Offline Quail "Owner of the comfortable k8"

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I was changing my front tire when the radio man spoke of H. Clinton running for Pres.  The wrench slipped and I cut myself.  Did I mention I can't stand that woman.  I blame the accident on her existence.

As far as  being told that war is not black and white I have to disagree.  War has 2 sides, the rules of right and wrong seldom apply, but both sides take the stance that they are fighting the good fight.  Everything I ever needed to know I learned in kindergarden.  I picked up the Tonka front-end loader and pounded the kid that took my milk money.  I got my money and his too.

The problem war poses today is the problem of fighting a war and not collapsing the worlds financial instutions especially ours.  The one thing that has changed in the world is this.  If this country falls into a depression the rest of the world will never let us crawl out of it and back to the top again.  They made that mistake once and it will not be made again.
These wonderful little birds are great flyers, delicious eating, excellent for training your hunting dog, and just fun to shoot,or stuff and keep around the house.  Bobwhites can be put with other types of Quail and have very large penis's.  Quail are very popular with the babes.